Tuesday 18 September 2012

Notice for Voluntary Blood Donation Camp

There will be an inter college BLOOD Donation Camp on 4th Oct 2012 at New Campus, Vyasa Vihar, FM University, Balasore at 11 AM . Volunteers, Students, Faculty and Staff members and all others who are interested to donate blood are requested to participate in this camp and make it a grand success. Interested donors are requested to register their names with the Program Officers/ Program Coordinator or with the NSS representatives of different departments. We aim at collecting a minimum of 100 units of Blood and  it's needless to say that,  
"YOUR COOPERATION is our success". 

NSS Program Officers
Blood is meant for circulation so, share it with others..
Give blood—Stay Healthy.
                              Donate eyes, Light a life!
Donate kidneys, Activate a life! 
                Donate Blood Save A Life!                                     
You get it back in mere 3 days and Save A life too!
                      So, Donate Blood!                 
                       Do you feel you don’t have much to offer? 
You have the most precious resource of all: the ability to save a life by donating blood! 
Share this invaluable gift with someone in need.

Donate BLOOD,  Be a Super HERO.

Reasons Why You Should Donate Blood
1) It's FREE and keeps you HEALTHY
2) It's 100% SAFE

3) Save  LIVES:
One pint of blood from one donor can save up to three lives!
Every three seconds, someone needs a blood transfusion and
about 1 in 7 people entering a hospital needs blood.!

4) Save the future by saving a Child: 20 percent of recipients are children – many are cancer patients!

5) you are allowed to give blood every 56 days

6) About 60 percent of the population are eligible to donate blood, yet less than 4 percent do!

7) At least 500 pints of blood must be collected every day to meet the needs of area patients.

8) Reduce the RISK of Cancer
-According to the Miller-Keystone Blood Center, donating blood regularly is associated with lowered risks for cancer including lung, colon, liver, throat and stomach cancers. So if you want to help lower your risk of cancer, donate blood regularly. Risk levels dropped in correlation with how often donors give blood.

9) Reduce the RISK of getting a HEART ATTACK
The Florida Blood Services reports that people who donate blood regularly over the years have an 88% lower risk of heart attack and a 33% lower risk of any severe cardiovascular event, such as stroke.

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